Surfrider Foundation Australia: in focus

Surfrider Foundation Australia: in focus

Surfrider Foundation Australia is a powerful organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through conservation, activism, research and education.

They are all about inspiring  an engaged surfing and coastal community who are passionate about protecting oceans, waves and beaches.

Born in Malibu, California, 30 years ago - today, the Surfrider Foundation movement has grown to 18 countries around the world, including Australia.

The Surfrider organisation came to Australia in 1991 in response to poor water quality issues along Australia’s east coast. They began a series of demonstrations and actions to persuade decision makers to take action on this ongoing issue. The group has been working hard to protect Australia’s coastlines ever since.

Their programs include...

Volunteer Beach Clean Ups: Surfrider organise regular local communities to come together and clean up coastlines and stop plastic and rubbish entering our oceans. 


The Endangered Waves program: aims to highlight the many threats endangering a number of Australia’s most unique and fragile surfing and coastal environments. An ‘endangered wave’ is one where the wave itself is threatened, or the immediate coastal environment and surfing amenity is threatened by relevant criteria outlined by Surfrider.


Ocean Friendly Cafes accreditation: The aim of this free national accreditation program is to reduce single use plastic at its source through the promotion of hospitality businesses & events along Australia’s vast coastline that undertake sustainable business practices.

By implementing 6 simple changes to reduce single-use plastic at its source in favour of reusable items and non-plastic alternatives, a business can greatly reduce its impact on the planet and our oceans.


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